Sep 3Liked by Frank Dupree

Oh Frank, what a great message the LORD has given you to share with us! Learning to die to self has been one of the central messages Holy Spirit has wanted me to internalize for the majority of my walk with Christ Jesus. I have only listened to this twice, but it warrants so much more study. Thank you, and May the LORD continue to give you spiritual wisdom and revelation. With much Love, In Christ Jesus.

-Ed Maina

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Ed thanks so much for the encouraging words! The Spiritual Life is in another realm. It's like an airplane... when it's on the ground it follows the normal rules of moving around with wheels, brakes, etc. But once it is in the air the wheels fold up and it flies by a different set of principles. So us, when we are Born Again... We need to always "set our minds on the things above" even though we live in this world we must not be "of this world"... God Bless!

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Sep 3Liked by Frank Dupree

As always inspiring and what the spirit says to us all, come away!

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Yes, "Rise up" and let's us go away with our Beloved!

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I am immersed in the same journey through Song of Songs! Thank you for your timely insights and wisdom.

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Wonderful! The Body needs to see the revelation in S of S so people can recognize themselves and grow!

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